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The Hanselatic city of Kampen is a unique city in the Netherlands, it lies on the crossroads of river and the former sea, founded in 1227 and was the largest city in the Netherlands between the 14th and 16th centuries.

Het Kampen van ... is a unique company in its kind in the town of Kampen, because we offer themed guided walks in Kampen. We give Indivdual Guided walks but also Guided walks for groups.

These four historic almost forgotten Kamper magnitudes are revived again, due to historical costumes weared by the guide. These historical figures serve as an umbrella for several periods:

Het Kampen van... Alberthus Pighius

Albethus Pighius (Kampen 1490- Utrecht 1542), a 16th century theologian, astronomer, mathematician. He was also the Chamberlain (camelengo in latin) and a diplomate for of the Dutch pope Adrian VI and a nemesis of the protestant Martin Luther and other protestant theologans.

In this themewalk we also give some information of Pighius nephew Stephanus Winandus Pigius (Kampen 1520-Xanten 1604) a 16th century humanist, professor of aquintity and teacher. Mid 16th century, he was a counseler and the libarian of Dutch cardinal Granvelle.

The focus of this walk is on the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, when the city less flourish. The focus will be on thriving Art and learning in Kampen in this period.

Het Kampen van... Cuyentorf

The Family Cuyentorf was an important Merchants family in the 15th and 16th century. This family had a important tradecompany in Lisbon, Portugal

In this themed citywalk the focus lies on Kampen as International Trade and Hanseatic city in her golden age, when Kampen was the "Rotterdam of medieval times" and the biggest city in the Northern Netherlands (basicly the modern (european part)Kingdom of the Netherlands) in the 14th,15th and 16th century

Het Kampen van... Lehmkuhl

Johan Wilke Lehmkuhl (Mabstee, Bremen, Germany 1798- Deventer 11 January 1880) was a German industrialist from Bremen. The industrialist settled in Kampen in 1826 to start a cigar factory, because he saw a lot of potential because of the location of the city and the great potential of the workforce in that period. Later in the Nineteenth century the industrial pioneer had four different cigar factories spread through Kampen. Because of his industrial pioneering, there followed more cigar factories and other companies that came to Kampen such as BK Pannen, Gazeuse (lemonades), Kanis en Gunnink (Coffee) and Siebrand (liqueurs). The focus in this guided walk will be the Industrial past from Kampen in the 19th and early 20th century

Next to our guided citywalks, individual guided walks  with consulting the cityguide are also possible bij "Het Kampen van" and costs E27,50 (incl.VAT) P.P.

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